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The writer Gustaf Graf, Lars-Gustaf's Father.

List of post cards Gustaf sent to friends in Älmeby, Sweden Post cards in Swedish

Essays by Gustaf about his travels far away ...

Cover of Gustaf's short story.
Gustaf's short story about his long distance ice skating escapades with friends printed in 1939.

Among Animals and Devils in Our Lord's Greenhouse

At age 70, Gustaf travels to Africa "Bland djur och djävlar i Vår Herres drivhus"
Essay in Swedish titled 'Bland djur och djävlar i Vår Herres drivhus' by Gustaf Graf
Signature of Gustaf Graf
1953-1954 Gustaf travels around the world with a friend. The friend dies of pneumonia. His essay titled "Jorden Runt På Lagom Antal Dagar" is dated May 1954.
Essay by Gustaf Graf in Swedish.
Signature of Gustaf Graf

Small Talk About Warm Countries

Gustaf has dated his story titled
"Kallprat om varma länder"
Jan 30th 1956 in Sierra Leone, Freetown.

Essay by Gustaf Graf in Swedish.
Signature of Gustaf Graf
Gustaf is in his appartment of Östermalmsgatan 49 in Stockholm in June 1956. He writes about the islands around the world that he wants to remember.
Essay by Gustaf Graf in Swedish.
Signature of Gustaf Graf


Gustaf spends his 75th birthday, April 16th 1957, in Umeå. Gustaf writes an essay about his travels earlier that year in Latin America.

Essay by Gustaf Graf in Swedish.
